Friday, April 10, 2015

Toothache Problems 101

Your teeth may not seem very memorable on the surface. Sure, we think about them twice a day when we brush, once when we floss, and when we smile for photo ops.  It’s important to remember that our teeth are with us through all of the good times, but, if not shown the care and attention they deserve, they can be the cause of the bad.  If it gets to that point, teeth will ensure that they won’t be forgotten again with an undeniable toothache.

If you want to know how best to handle this painful situation, you need to focus on it.  As uncomfortable as it may be to analyze your pain, it is necessary.  The type of pain and discomfort can tell you what the issue is and how best to treat it.  Here’s what you should note:

  • Is it a sharp pain?  Sharp pains generally occur when biting and are instantaneous.  The pain subsides when the bite is released.

  • Where is the pain?  Is it isolated to one tooth or are several teeth affected?

  • Is it triggered?  Is the pain coming from something hot (like coffee or tea), something cold such as ice cream, or perhaps a sweet candy when it contacts the tooth?

If you experience sharp pain when biting, you should schedule to see your dentist IMMEDIATELY.  That is a warning of a very serious problem.  This could be caused by loose dental work, a cavity, or even a cracked tooth.  Or maybe even a more serious problem - an infected root!

The whole tooth is made up of parts:  The part you see called the crown, the part that lies under the gum line acting as an anchor called the root, and the part with nerves and blood vessels known as the pulp.  When sharp pain occurs when biting it could mean the pulp is infected. In order to correct problems within the pulp area, root canal therapy is often the process of choice in order to prevent tooth extraction.

If the pain is set off by a certain type of food you can pretty easily isolate what that something is and avoid it.  While it may be incredibly hard to remove that cup of coffee from your routine, the pain it will bring is not worth it.  These issues do not require a trip to the Dental ER, but should still be addressed by professionals before they worsen.
If the pain is on multiple adjacent at the same time it may be caused by sinus issues. A dentist will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend the best treatment for dental matters concerning sinus problems.

It is important to remember that a toothache that lasts for more than a few days should be addressed with your dental provider. The sooner the problem is corrected, the better. If dental phobia keeps you from scheduling a visit, remind yourself that dental problems don’t go away on their own. Dentists can help you with discomfort and problems associated with phobias.

Let Dr. Bander care for your toothache. Maintain routine visits to help catch problems before they begin to ache. Schedule an appointment today!

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