Friday, June 26, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions about Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is popular topic – many people are anxious about visiting the dentist and consider sedation an effective way to get the care they need in a worry-free manner. Our office helps our patients get important oral health treatments in a relaxing environment with the help of sedative treatments.

If you’re interested in sedation for your next visit, consider some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about this procedure:

When is Sedation Necessary? Dental sedation is most commonly used during more extensive treatments or for patients who have a severe dental anxiety that prevents them from comfortably sitting through an appointment.  Examples of more comprehensive treatments where sedation is needed include full smile restorations with dental implants or oral surgeries. Most patients, who do not experience anxiety, do not need sedation for common procedures, like teeth cleanings and fillings.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe? Sedation is very safe and is widely used for administering care to fearful patients and those needing dental surgeries. While sedated, you will be closely monitored to ensure that the medication is doing its job.

How Will I Feel During my Sedation Appointment? Sedation is intended to make you feel relaxed, and comfortable. You’ll feel groggy and sleepy and won’t recollect much of your treatment time. You may still feel groggy after your appointment is complete, as different sedative medications stay in your system for a few hours. However, you’ll be feeling back to normal by the next day and can return to your normal, daily activities.

What Ways Can Patients Be Sedated? Depending on the dentist you visit, you can be presented with a variety of different treatment options, which are usually IV sedation, oral conscious sedation, or laughing gas (nitrous oxide). Nitrous produces a feeling of relaxation that is easily reversed with the inhalation of oxygen, while the oral conscious and IV sedation methods produce deeper feelings of grogginess and will remain in your system for a little longer. For most patients, comfortable care can be achieved through the use of nitrous and/or oral conscious sedative medication.

Will I Be Asleep during Treatment? Oral conscious sedation does not immediately put you to sleep, like you might experience with intravenous sedatives.  While dental sedation can produce intermittent sleep because of how relaxed it makes patients feel, you will technically still be awake and able to let your doctor know if you’re uncomfortable in any way. Many patients believe they are asleep during sedation because they don’t remember their appointment.

If you have a question that we didn’t answer here, please contact our Grand Rapids sedation dental office for more information. We’re happy to provide nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation to help our anxious patient feel at-ease, or to help longer dental visits pass quickly and comfortably.

1 comment:

  1. It's important to make sure that your dentist is trained and qualified to administer the type of sedation you will be receiving. Click here to know more about our services.
